Football Anyone?

Football Anyone?

Cowboys and the Packers-

It’s football, not a fight;

Dear friends are sitting together

To make America right.

Both have different views

About how our nation should be-

Each stand for what they believe in:

To keep America free.

Yet what is freedom really?

To force our views on others?

To truly go against what we want …

And hate our sisters and brothers?

Hate is such a strong word-

But isn’t that what we do?

We look past the beliefs,

And hate people for points of view.

Couldn’t we instead be like Jesus,

And listen to their heart…

And make America great again

With a brand new start?

Begin with a game of football-

Or something that fancies your delight;

Become friends sitting together

To make America right.

Eyes Of The Storm

Cut From The Same Cloth

Ανατολή ηλίου (Sunrise)

Ανατολή ηλίου (Sunrise)

Here I lie in the darkness

But I am not afraid;

A mighty peace fills me;

God is in this place.

Here I lie in the darkness

Time says please be still;

Yet my mind is racing-

What’s my Father’s will?

Here I lie in the darkness

Nothing can I see;

Except the dreams that inspire

Jesus set me free!

Here I lie in the darkness

Reminded of my past;

From the moment of birth,

To the very last.

Here I lie in the darkness

Reminded of God’s Truth

That brings sweet Victory;

Now What am I going to do?

Here I lie in the darkness

Watching the Morning slice with Light

Reminding me it’s time to get up

And walk The Path that’s Right

🎶 Celebrate 🎶

I lost 10 pounds 😎 Hallelujah!!!

My Hubby Loves Cauliflower Pizza!

Bags and Burns …S’up?

There are still so many videos that have been made, and even more waiting 😁 find the videos at our YouTube address:

I have an appointment and after that I’ll post new ones here 😎

A Unique Sheath For A Special Blade

The Bucket Bag

The Belt Pouch