Archive for October, 2013

Buddy System

“I can’t” held me down; fists of defeat aimed to strike repeating blows. The enemy pumped my being with opiate lies. My heart’s sonar picked up a pulse, becoming clearer with each heartbeat: Hope was on the way! Truth bashed down the walls and broke my chains as Hope scooped up my limp body. Love detoxed through time with His stripes and blood. Though the enemy’s roar is frightening, I no longer walk alone.


From the beginning, there’s no ending; the numbers slowly climb. New faces, new places, look at the clock…. Slowly opening my eyes. Where am I going? What is this path? Each face draws me in! Why am I here? The Answer’s a force shield and weapon to slash the monster – pride.

Strength For the Knight

Long ago, in the days of yore a knight wielded The Sword…Peace ruled his kingdom. Dragons….beasts jealous of his Treasure enslaved him to heartache with scorching demands. Sir Arthur, Behold!! The Sword sings over you!! Seize the day, oh Mighty Knight!!

Treasure In The Sun

One thing I love about elephants is their color: grey….my most favorite color!! I believe this pigmentation serves as an accent. It brings out the twinkle in my sweetheart’s eyes, illuminating his face…exposing his heartily, which has lassoed the moon holding a treasure map to the sun.

Secret Handshake

Seven numbers failed to catch the machine because you found me first. Seven numbers I knew I knew….my ears triggered the alarm!! Interrogation not strong enough, your name shed the light as you waited in darkness. Leaving embarrassment behind, I grabbed you and we plunged down the familiar falls of friendship.

Mighty Mustard Seed

A gift so small agitated deep within, due to hostages encompassing me. The Mighty Wind swept me away and threw me into The River so deep. In and out, up and down His Current penetrated my very being. Now fueled, Faith burst forth …. Looking for obedience to ride. By what method, shall I grasp The Sword?

Irreplaceable Imprints

They are everywhere I go… And reveal everywhere I’ve been: Fingerprints…. Made of wrinkles. Elephants are known for them. It’s like their signature. We are covered with them too… Becoming more pronounced as we age. Wrinkles can represent a stamp of approval …. A reminder that our Creator loves us.

Shoe size

Footprints In The Sand… More than a poem….speaks of impressions made in life: our own and those around. Elephants leave quite a mark wherever they go…. It’s one of the things I love about these mighty creatures. God knew what He was doing when He created the world. Jesus also left a distinct pattern to follow…. Not just where He went, but with what He did, stating “Come, follow me.” I wonder where my footprints will lead others?

All Of Me

Photographs are awesome because they capture people: their style, mood, moment. You can tell a lot from a picture. We were so beautifully created!!! Many people… Not just one….. From top to bottom…. Left to right….. Front to back … Outside and in. With all this perfection, why am I afraid of a full length picture of myself? After all, my Creator loves me.


October is breast cancer awareness month. I read about and I know many brave people who face this ominous trial. Why am I avoiding a routine checkup when so many are wise to conquer an unknown before it grows?