Jsack's Mom's Blog

Happy new year I’m happy to be linking up with Lizzi and the TTOT group. I think of them as shiny happy people who encourage me to find my happy and share it here with you today. So without further ado my list of thankfuls.

I’m thankful for the ushering in of a new year that fills me with promising adventures and creative possibilities. I made a list of restorations as I refer to them instead of resolutions. As I’m restoring my goal of things I was already working on in 2015.

I’m thankful for having extended medical coverage and able to see my chiropractor regularly. I injured my neck and it’s made for a long week of recuperating and encouraging myself to just rest. I have a busy household and that’s no always possible to shirk my responsibilities. But I spent today reading, folding laundry, resting and watching…

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